photo © tainacher

about me

bio after completing austrian gymnasium, school for dressmaker and rearing a family, i completed over four years of special training courses dealing with all aspects of art and painting techniques. all my life i have wanted to become active in the field of art. in january 2006 i opened my own studio. over the past …


this site

IMPRESSUM responsible for the content: andrea rust dr.-primus-lessiak-weg 39 9020 klagenfurt austria technical implementation and layout: is proudly powered by the insanely awesome WordPress design by One Designs contact: DISCLAIMER all contents on this website have been compiled carefully. we make no guarantees of accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information on this website. therefore …

nach dem turbulenten sommer wird jetzt, da ja die schule wieder beginnt, wieder ein wenig regelmäßigkeit bezüglich der malerischen aktivitäten einkehren!. ich halte euch am laufenden was meine neuen arbeiten und ihre entwicklung betrifft!

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fully alive and kickin’

good news. everyone! we finally have all media back on-line, including drawings and freelance work,. works missing information are being updated everywhere as I write. we also feature a mobile phone optimized version of this site. so if you got here through scanning a qr-code check out the full site when you’re home!

anders ARTeln

jeden dienstag abend findet in meinem atelier anders ARTeln statt. dies ist ein regelmäßiges zusammentreffen ölmallustiger künstler oder solcher, die es noch werden wollen. es wird geschaut, gelernt, sich ausgetauscht und natürlich gemalt. ich selbst assistiere nur und male an meinen arbeiten weiter! besucher sind herzlich willkommen, immer dienstags ab 18:00h v3

Hello! Finally, after a little more than two years my site got a full overhaul. I hope you like it. I promise to keep it up to date this time new fotos coming soon! I have moved with my studio! durchlaßstraße 42, 9020 klagenfurt